School Box Lunches that Set Your Child up for Life
Making healthy choices when it comes to food and exercise is a great habit to have. But as we all know, good habits are hard to form. As a result, it’s easier to maintain good habits if one starts early. So, if you can get your kids to make healthy habits while they are still young, you’ll be doing them a favour.
You should encourage your kids to have an interest in a healthy amount of exercise and regular sleeping patterns. Additionally, you should introduce them to tasty but healthy food options. While you have complete control over what your child eats at home, it’s a different case at school unless you pack them their lunch. The experts here at Hinterland Chiropractic have come up with some ideas about what should be included in your child’s school lunch to set them on their way to making healthy food choices for the rest of their lives.
Fruit and Veggies
Fruits are such a healthy option when it comes to snacking. They’re often cheap, easy to pack into school lunch boxes and are good for kids. No matter what you pack your child for school, always make sure to have at least one fruit in it. Veggies are no different. They’re packed full of nutrients and essential vitamins.
Plenty of Water
Granted this is not a food option, it’s still very important. Make sure your child has plenty of water while at school. This is especially vital in places such as the Gold Coast where it can get pretty dry and hot.
Avoid Fast Food
This is obvious really. Even though fast food might seem like the easy way out when it comes to packing lunches, they are often the most destructive choice. It is okay to let your kids indulge every once in a while, but make sure they don’t turn it into a habit.
These were Hinterland Chiropractic’s ideas for school lunches that will set your kids up for a healthy life. Here at Hinterland Chiropractic, we are always concerned with your wellbeing. So, if you ever face any issues with hip pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain, muscle tightness, whiplash, sport injuries or knee pain, just give us a call. Our experienced chiropractor team will be more than happy to help you out with whatever you may need.