What can you do to prevent spinal problems?

Prevent prolonged watching of T.V. The longer T.V. is watched the higher the incidence of low back pain. Correct posture while sitting is important in the classroom. Regular participation in some sports can actually increase back pain. A previous untreated back injury can lead to future recurrence. By using a backpack rather than a hand held bag. Note: backpacks are only effective when worn on both shoulders. Get a regular check up from a member of the Chiropractors Association of Australia. We are all aware of the importance of regular dental check-ups and dental care but many of us are unaware of the importance of regular spinal care. Unfortunately “out of sight, out of mind” is the current approach. Remember, as the twig is bent so grows the tree. So would you like to know the state of your spinal health? Contact a member of the Chiropractors Association today.
