The chiropractic encounter begins with the history and examination. The aim of the treatment is to:
- Understand the mechanism of injury
- Identify the primary tissues injured
- Determine the most suitable treatment
There are many different chiropractic treatments available for patients with whiplash injuries.
Manual therapies include:
- Spinal adjustment (spinal manipulative therapy)
- Mobilisation
- Traction
- Muscle relaxation and/or stimulation methods
- Assessment of the patient’s physical capacities by undergoing specific exercises
- Consideration to modify work station issues and recommend lifestyle changes
Exercise strategies include:
- Increasing the range of motion
- Strengthening the injured region with stabilization exercises
- Restoring sensory-motor activity to the muscles
If you, a friend, or family member requires care for whiplash, consult your Gold Coast chiropractors at Hinterland Chiropractic.
We can help you recover more efficiently through natural, safe, and gentle chiropractic care.
Contact us today! Call us on (07) 5527 3133.