
Seemingly endless in diversity, nature is made up of only three components: minerals, water and air. All we have to do is look to nature! The poetic balance nature has created and the powerful synergy offered, seems foreign or too complicated for mere pharmaceutical giants to comprehend. Nature offers a vast and veritable pharmacy — abandon it and we abandon ourselves. As we humans are composed of the elements of the Earth, we can look to what nature produces to feed, nurture and replenish us. Plant-derived Organic Colloidal Minerals – a synergy of a thousand substances is rich in nutrients, humic and fulvic acids. It is as food should be: complete with nutrients. It is from Australia and developed by Australians – of by and for our people.

Our soils today have been ravished by years of farming. The soil becomes lifeless as the mineral content vanishes each year and people around the world start to develop essential and trace mineral deficiencies. But what if we could go back in time and contain all those minerals? Derived from 20,000 year old prehistoric vegetation, untainted by time, these minerals and their myriad co-factors have been cold-extracted using a unique ionic extraction process leaving nature to do its own manufacturing. Suspended in ultra-pure de-ionised water, the raw material for this product contains 70% humic substances vital for life.


What are Humic Substances?

Organic soil matter is the decayed remains of plants, which have fallen on the earth’s surface. Humic substances are formed from the biological/chemical degradation of this organic material by micro-organisms and contain Humic Acids, Fulvic Acids and Humins. These differ in molecular weight, solubility in water under varying pH conditions and the functions they perform in the formation and health of plants.

The Power of Humic and Fulvic Acids

Humic and Fulvic Acid’s major functions are to chelate non-organic metallic minerals in the soil into organic mineral salts. Polysaccharides (complex carbohydrate sugars), an integral part of the Humic Acid molecule, serve in the formation and nutrition of plant tissues. Fulvic Acid is natures system of transporting minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides, hormones, enzymes and many other co-enzymes essential for life itself. Because of its low molecular weight, Fulvic Acid readily enters the roots and metabolic sites of plant cells where colloidal minerals are formed. Humic and Fulvic Acids usually carry 70 or more trace minerals and hundreds of co-factors within their molecular complexes. Scientists are now discovering that the role these organic acids play in plants, are similar to the role they play in animals and therefore humans: They are essential in achieving and maintaining good health!

What Do We Consume?

We should obtain all our daily requirements from the fruit, vegetables and proteins in our diet. Historically this was so. Even the healthiest of diets today cannot contain the essential constituents we need to function properly. This of course is due to the unavailability of minerals in the soil or the pesticides, fungicides and insecticides that are sprayed constantly. However, it’s not all bad. Here is a list of essential and trace minerals required by the body and usually deficient in our food that Fulhealth Industries has extracted and put in a bottle.

Measurements in Mg/L:


Lithium <0.01

Beryllium 0.026

Boron 0.26

Sodium 99

Magnesium 98

Aluminium 180

Silicon 45

Phosphorus 5.2

Sulphur 500

Potassium 17

Calcium 270

Scandium 0.26

Titanium 0.94

Vanadium 2.4

Chromium 1.4

Manganese 0.66

Iron 220

Cobalt 0.2

Nickel 1

Copper 0.13

Zinc 0.38

Gallium 0.04




Germanium <0.01

Arsenic 0.083

Selenium 0.37

Rubidium 0.067

Strontium 2.6

Yttrium 0.17

Zirconium 0.98

Niobium 0.009

Molybdenum 0.019

Ruthenium <0.01

Rhodium <0.01

Palladium 0.028

Silver 0.15

Cadmium <0.01

Tin 0.036

Antimony <0.01

Tellurium <0.01

Cesium <0.01

Barium 0.34

Lanthanum 0.14

Cerium 0.3

Neodymium 0.16




Samarium 0.036

Europium 0.011

Gadolinium 0.041

Terbium 0.006

Dysprosium 0.034

Holmium <0.01

Erbium 0.019

Thulium <0.01

Ytterbium 0.018

Lutetium <0.01

Hafnium 0.051

Tantalum <0.01

Tungsten <0.01

Iridium <0.01

Platinum <0.01

Gold <0.01

Mercury <0.01

Thallium <0.01

Lead 0.032

Bismuth <0.01

Thorium 0.063

Uranium 0.021



Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) test = Up to 640 mgC/L. The DOC test means all the elements above are organic. The product contains Alcohol.

Organic? What about Aluminium?

This is a common myth or rather a mix up. Most people understand that aluminium is aluminium. This is not so. Under a lot of hidden information there are two types of aluminium, water soluble and acid soluble. Acid soluble aluminium is the heavy metal we have all grown to have concerns about. It may cause damage to our bodily functions. However, keeping in mind that the organic aluminium in Fulhealth’s product is bonded to carbon and is water soluble is actually classified in many texts as an essential element. The N.H.M.R.C. differentiates these types of aluminium and refers only to the toxicity of the acid soluble aluminium.

Organic Aluminium

“The aluminium found in plants is organically bound colloidal aluminium and appears not to have any negative affects and in fact appears to be an essential element in human nutrition.”
“Known biological function is to activate the enzyme succinic dehydrogenase, increases survival rate of newborns and according to Professor Gerhardt Schrauzer, Head of the Department of Chemistry at UCSD, is probably an essential mineral for human nutrition.”
Rare Earth – Forbidden Cures Joel D Wallach Bs, DvM, ND Ma Lan MD, MS

Acid Soluble Aluminium

“Based on aesthetic problems caused by post-flocculation, the concentration of acid-soluble aluminium in drinking water should not exceed 0.2 mg/L. Water authorities are strongly encouraged to keep acid-soluble aluminium concentrations as low as possible, preferably below 0.1 mg/l. No health based guideline is set for aluminium at this time but this issue will be kept under review.”
N.H.M.R.C – Australian Drinking Water Guidelines



Additional information

Weight775 g
