Melanie McMahon

Melanie McMahon | Chiropractor Gold Coast | Hinterland Chiropractic

Psychosomatic Therapist

Melanie McMahon

An Holistic Practitioner like no Other

Psychosomatic Therapy Master Practitioner

Liquid Crystal Mineral Therapy Practitioner

Latin and Ballroom Dance Instructor

Melanie McMahon joins the team with a passion for humanity and helping people.

As a Psychosomatic Therapist, I am a Body Mind Communication Specialist. By understanding how and what your body is saying in opposition to your thoughts and beliefs, you are better equipped to not only understand what changes are required, but also the most effective pathway that will get you there!

With tips, tricks, and daily practices, “YOU” become present, aligned, and authentic to you. Learning how to honour, nurture, and truly love ourselves, are skills many people do not know or are not taught because we are not a one solution fits all being.

My unique and individually tailored Total Empowerment Program guides clients to learn ‘their’ pathway to Be, Do, and Have everything they desire.

Utilizing the benefits of Liquid Crystal Mineral Therapy with the techniques of Psychosomatic Therapy provides a completely ‘Wholisitic’ approach to health, Wellness, and Healing; harnessing the mind, naturally boosting immunuty, and truly understanding the power of emotions.

Services include Face Reading (as seen on thr Bachelor), Body Mind Analysis, Emotional Release Trigger Point Therapy, Liquid Crystal Remedies
